The Takeaway

Britney Partain
3 min readJan 25, 2022

So, I had originally planned to write a few times over the course of my first week on this app, but I came down with covid and my only goal was to essentially survive. There’s always a “takeaway point” from everything that happens in life, and if you pay close attention, it’s not that hard to see it. For me, covid was a time for my body to slow down and my mind to rest. I did not realize how tired I was until I couldn’t do anything but sleep. So, I did just that; I slept. In between naps, my entire body ached, and I was chilled to the bone. I thought surely this would pass after I got some rest, but it took 3 days for the fever and aches to stop, and they felt like the longest 3 days of my life.

I am a busy person most days, and it was very worrisome for me to think about all of the things I needed to be doing while I was lying in bed unable to get them done. If I’m being honest, I probably didn’t even let my body get the rest it deserved in those 3 days because I pushed myself to get some things done. Looking back, it didn’t lessen the amount of housework that was waiting on me post-covid, so I probably should have just slept.

Life is like that though, and hindsight is always 20/20. So many times, in life, we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of keeping up or even getting ahead that we forget it isn’t a race. We all operate at our own paces, and we shouldn’t get all worked up trying to keep up with our neighbors. Our bodies tell us when we need to rest, and if you’re like me, you usually ignore the signs until you absolutely can’t anymore. So sometimes, you end up with things like covid that act as a checkpoint for your body to refresh itself and start over.

Take time to listen to your body and put your needs first. It isn’t selfish to prioritize yourself. The world will make you feel like self-care is selfish, when in reality, it is absolutely necessary. I have often heard the phrase, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” This phrase is so absolutely true, and it serves as a reminder that I can’t do ALL the things. Believe me, I want to do all. the. things. And I want to do them perfectly. But I can’t. And neither can you, if we’re being honest. But that’s okay. Just do some of the things and do them well. Do your best and give yourself some credit. Just because someone else has the perfect family on social media, doesn’t mean that your family isn’t the perfect family for you. We are all running different races at different paces, and that’s okay. That’s the way life is supposed to be, whether we realize it or not. I’m not perfect and neither are you, no matter what my Facebook pictures lead you to believe.

In conclusion, the “takeaway point” for me from my covid experience was this: No matter how hard I run to get ahead, there will always be something in the way to slow me down. Take time for yourself and stop comparing your life to the highlight reels you see on social media. Nobody is perfect, and at some point, we all need rest. I hope you rest today, friends. Rest your body and rest your mind. Life is tough and we are all just trying to survive. Peace and blessings to all of you.




Britney Partain

Follow me on TikTok @britneypartain Here to write about my crazy life. Buckle up, this could be fun!